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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Live Curious

If you are, you breath.

If you breath, you talk.

If you talk, you ask.

If you ask, you think.

If you think, you search.

If you search, you experience.

If you experience, you learn.

If you learn, you grow.

If you grow, you wish.

If you wish, you find.

If you find, you doubt.

If you doubt, you question.

If you question, you understand.

If you understand, you know.

If you know, you want to know more.

And if you want to know more, you are alive...

Iklan National Geographic Channel ini resmi jadi iklan favorit saya. Gambar-gambarnya bener-bener mencerminkan diversitas manusia dengan segala keberagamannya. Dan kata-kata nya itu loh, super sarat makna. Pada akhirnya itu yang bikin saya sadar. Mungkin itu yang jadi alasan dari orang-orang yang serba pengen tahu, rajin meng-eksplor macem-macem, dan gak pernah lelah untuk terus sekolah dan belajar. Eventually, you'll become more alive. A great thing, isn't it?

Let's live curious!

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