Membagi prioritas adalah seni.
Seperti sebuah kalimat yang sering didengung-dengungkan di saat masa kaderisasi himpunan jurusan, “Hidup ini pilihan, dan setiap pilihan mengandung konsekuensinya”. Saya memilih untuk mengikuti beberapa kegiatan di waktu bersamaan. Resikonya, sering terjadi bentrok yang mengharuskan saya untuk memilih prioritas. Belajar untuk menjalankan semuanya tanpa kehilangan fokus utama : mencapai hasil akademik yang baik sebagai modal melanjutkan S2.
Dan di saat seperti ini, saya belajar untuk menerima konsekuensi dari segala kegiatan yang diambil : waktu bersantai yang berkurang termasuk proyek-proyek pribadi dalam meng-upgrade diri (entah itu memperkaya diri dengan bacaan atau berbagai kegiatan ekstra di luar kampus). Saya belajar untuk berusaha menyamankan diri di lingkungan dan keluarga baru, serta secepat mungkin beradaptasi dengan etos kerja dan kultur yang ada. Hal yang berat karena saya bukan tipe orang yang gampang terbuka.
Saya belajar untuk memaksa diri meninggikan standar mengenai akademis : mendapat nilai jelek berarti sebuah kesalahan yang harus dievaluasi, tidak sempat belajar berarti ada yang salah dengan jadwal kegiatan lain, serta tak ada kata ‘tidak sempat’ untuk mengerjakan laporan praktikum. Walaupun sulit, ini adalah hal yang harus paling tekankan. Seberapapun menggoda kegiatan non akademis di luar sana, akademis tetap harus menjadi prioritas untuk cita-cita jangka panjang. Terlebih, dengan kemampuan akademis yang sekarang, masih diperlukan effort ekstra keras untuk mengejar ketertinggalan.Saya belajar untuk lebih banyak diam. Amati saja dulu, sebelum berkomentar. Kerjakan saja dulu apa yang bisa dilakukan, sebelum mengkritik wacana-wacana besar yang kebenarannya belum dapat dipastikan. Pastikan saja dulu kelancaran teknisnya, sebelum terlalu lama berkutat di dasar teori yang eksekusinya belum tentu efektif.
Saya belajar untuk memilah-milah betul antara wacana normatif dan kebutuhan personal. Saya belajar untuk menerima berbagai perspektif, kultur, dan sistem yang terkadang sangat bertentangan dengan visi saya. Saya belajar untuk memahami betul artinya efisiensi dan efektivitas waktu, serta mengenali sindrom-sindrom kejenuhan ketika hal yang dihadapi sudah kelewat bertumpuk.
Saya belajar untuk berkompromi di zona yang tidak nyaman dan tidak cepat men-judge sesuatu. Saya belajar bahwa segala sesuatu yang diterima mengandung resiko. Jaket himpunan, walaupun keren dan sangat berguna untuk dinginnya malam di Bandung, sesungguhnya berarti waktu, energi, serta tenaga yang terkuras dan tanggung jawab yang bertambah.
Dan pada akhirnya saya belajar, bahwa masih ada sangat banyak hal yang harus dipelajari.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Sindrom Tingkat 2 dan Segala Kegalauannya
Kemacetan Simpang Dago dan Alternatif Solusinya
Jalan Dago merupakan salah satu jalan paling sentral di Bandung yang masuk dalam daerah unggulan kota Bandung. Rasanya, sebagian turis yang mampir ke Bandung pasti mengunjungi jalan ini. Di sepanjang jalan Dago memiliki begitu banyak tempat menarik mulai dari berbagai factory outlet, kafe, restoran, perumahan, pertokoan, dan juga kampus.
Namun, banyaknya tempat menarik untuk dikunjungi ini bukannya tidak mengandung masalah. Ruas jalan yang terbatas nyatanya tidak sebanding dengan semakin tumbuhnya pusat-pusat komersil di daerah Dago. Hasilnya, setiap weekend, Jalan Dago memiliki tingkat kemacetan yang lumayan parah untuk ukuran kota Bandung. Tak hanya itu, sebagai jalan yang sangat utama, masih banyak kesemerawutan dan ketidak rapihan dari pengaturan atribut jalan yang menyebabkan hambatan dalam arus pergerakan jalan, terutama pada daerah Simpang Dago yang menghubungkan berbagai titik-titik strategis di kota Bandung.
Alternatif 1 : Revitalisasi Pasar Simpang
Pasar Simpang memiliki letak yang sangat strategis, di jalan utama, dan berada di persimpangan yang dilalui begitu banyak kendaraan, dan menghubungkan daerah-daerah yang sangat strategis di kota Bandung. Namun sayang, ketidakteraturan lokasi dari Pasar Simpang menyebabkan cukup komkpleksnya masalah yang ada.
Masalah tersebut antara lain : kotornya lingkungan sekitar akibat pengangkutan sampah setiap pagi, macetnya jalan di pagi hari akibat pengakutan sampah , serta macetnya jalan di malam hari akibat PKL makanan.
Solusi :
Solusi :
Pasar Simpang Dago seharusnya bisa di revitalisasi menjadi pasar tradisional yang bersih, terawat, modern, serta dapat menjadi pasar tradisional percontohan bagi pasar-pasar tradisional lain di Jawa Barat. Urgensiakan hal ini sangat tinggi, kembali lagi mengingat betapa sentral nya letak lokasi Pasar Simpang yang akan dilalui oleh tidak hanya orang lokal Bandung namun beragam turis baik lokal maupun asing. Maka dari itu, Pasar Simpang harusnya dibuat serepresentatif mungkin.
Pasar Simpang harusnya dibuat beberapa tingkat, yang dapat mengefisiensikan jumlah lahan dan ruang yang tersedia. Lantai pertama dapat dibuat tempat parkir, sehingga masalah parkir serta pembuangan sampah tidak memakan jalan utama di depan Pasar Simpang. Lantai berikutnya dapat dibuat secara modern, bersih, dan tertata apik. Bahkan, kalau perlu segi arsitektur dan interior nya dibuat yang bersifat tradisional Sunda, sehingga bisa menjadi tujuan wisata. Mengenalkan local culture Bandung di sebuah tempat yang sangat dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari (pasar), dapat memberi nilai plus tersendiri bagi perkembangan Pasar Simpang Dago.
Alternatif 2 : Pembuatan Terminal Angkot
Angkot merupakan transportasi publik yang bisa diandalkan di Bandung. Kuantitasnya yng banyak, rutenya menjangkau area-area strategis, serta kondisi fisik umum yang lebih nyaman dan terawat (setidaknya jika dibanding di Jakarta), membuat transportasi umum di Bandung terbilang cukup mudah. Namun, angkot ini sering kali ngetem atau berhenti menunggu penumpang sembarangan. Akibatnya, angkot ini memperlambat arus kendaraan di jalan.
Solusi :
Membuat terminal angkot setiap beberapa puluh meter. Bentuknya sangat sederhana, hanya berupa lahan parkir untuk menampung sekitar 3 angkot dalam satu waktu. Angkot hanya diizinkan mengambil serta memberhentikan penumpang di terminal-terminal tersebut.
Membuat terminal angkot setiap beberapa puluh meter. Bentuknya sangat sederhana, hanya berupa lahan parkir untuk menampung sekitar 3 angkot dalam satu waktu. Angkot hanya diizinkan mengambil serta memberhentikan penumpang di terminal-terminal tersebut.
Ada beberapa keuntungan yang dapat diambil, antara lain :
-Menghindari angkot ngetem
-Menghindari orang yang menyebrang sembarangan (mengurangi perlambatan mobil akibat orang yang menyebrang sembarangan karena ingin naik angkot, meningkatkan safety factor bagi para penyebrang jalan raya)
-Mengurangi jumlah angkot ngetem sembarangan yang berarti memperlancar arus jalan raya
-Membuat jalan lebih tertib
-Meningkatkan reliability dari angkot-angkot tersebut
-Menghindari orang yang menyebrang sembarangan (mengurangi perlambatan mobil akibat orang yang menyebrang sembarangan karena ingin naik angkot, meningkatkan safety factor bagi para penyebrang jalan raya)
-Mengurangi jumlah angkot ngetem sembarangan yang berarti memperlancar arus jalan raya
-Membuat jalan lebih tertib
-Meningkatkan reliability dari angkot-angkot tersebut
Kesimpulannya, mengatasi masalah kemacetan adalah masalah kompleks yang terkait dengan banyak faktor. Untuk jangka panjang, hal ini berkaitan dengan kombinasi dari berbagai perencanaan strategis seperti peningkatan kapasitas ruas jalan, perencanaan fungsi gedung-gedung di sepanjang jalan tersebut, pembuatan moda transportasi umum dengan kapasitas yang lebih besar, pengalihan rute jalan, perubahan kebijakan tata kota, dll. Namun untuk jangka pendek, saya percaya bahwa hal yang paling mungkin dilakukan adalah 2 hal tadi : merevitalisasi Pasar Simpang dan membuat terminal angkot guna optimalisasi angkutan umum.
Best Gion Matsuri Festival Japanese
Gion Matsuri call themselves 'Gion-san' is a festival held at Yasaka-jinja court and contest a grand highlight some 30 floats called yamaboko main streets of Kyoto at 17. Drift per second. Floor and about 6. meter high towers topped with long spear-like form. adorned with beautiful craftwork such as weaving, dyeing, textiles and sculpture, these beautiful floats that they have sometimes described as a 'mobile art museum.

Children between the make-up demonstration and allow musicians to play flute, drum and bell ride double floats. Some floats doll propped in a second. Festival believes that began 1,100 years. The past and floats. be paraded in the city to appease the Lord of disaster and patients. is charged with a seat you should ask the city
of Kyoto from many. In addition, between 14 and 16 events Yoiyama Festival. the night before in the 17 main tourist destinations. floats in the light show with dozens of music files and hilariously
called Gion-bayashi be heard almost every street in town. between the workers and. each of the floats that they can buy omamori (lucky charm) on. made from sasa bamboo grass for warding off evils. Yoiyama day, but limited to local residents who open house tradition of exhibiting artistic value. Byobu Matsuri, or call 'Festival folding screen.' This is a valuable opportunity to see places and real. a Kyoto, Japan. Please note however that this is not the museum to see manners when at home. people.

Children between the make-up demonstration and allow musicians to play flute, drum and bell ride double floats. Some floats doll propped in a second. Festival believes that began 1,100 years. The past and floats. be paraded in the city to appease the Lord of disaster and patients. is charged with a seat you should ask the city
of Kyoto from many. In addition, between 14 and 16 events Yoiyama Festival. the night before in the 17 main tourist destinations. floats in the light show with dozens of music files and hilariously
called Gion-bayashi be heard almost every street in town. between the workers and. each of the floats that they can buy omamori (lucky charm) on. made from sasa bamboo grass for warding off evils. Yoiyama day, but limited to local residents who open house tradition of exhibiting artistic value. Byobu Matsuri, or call 'Festival folding screen.' This is a valuable opportunity to see places and real. a Kyoto, Japan. Please note however that this is not the museum to see manners when at home. people.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Best Shop 100 Yen Store Product Sale Japanese
View from Dole Eric Takeshita, shopping Harajuku's busy pedestrian, Daiso more than just cosmetics, pharmacies and most toiletries.
But if you wander inside, you will find 3 more floor: kitchen and full basement housewares and electrical equipment on a large range of homewares. View through a variety seems like normal and collect.
... And see everything just the 105!
Daiso is one of the largest chain of stores in Japan and 100 yen shop in Harajuku is a good way of shopping ¥ 100. Depending on when you visit just about all that can be found. I know that people have. . with basement kitchens of reducing 3,000 ¥.
For travelers looking for inexpensive souvenirs in the perfect position - especially at home, no one knows quite what gifts to their vice.
My rule of thumb is not to buy another house until I am sure they and Daiso Why pay more than 105 if you do not need?
Harajuku Daiso is not the largest in Tokyo, but stores large ¥ 100 is the most convenient local travel often see the following.
After you've filled your basket with two cups and still benefit you to explore and Omotesando Meiji Jingu court both great (and free) place to travel and see the fashion sported by young people too Harajuku.
But if you wander inside, you will find 3 more floor: kitchen and full basement housewares and electrical equipment on a large range of homewares. View through a variety seems like normal and collect.
... And see everything just the 105!
Daiso is one of the largest chain of stores in Japan and 100 yen shop in Harajuku is a good way of shopping ¥ 100. Depending on when you visit just about all that can be found. I know that people have. . with basement kitchens of reducing 3,000 ¥.
For travelers looking for inexpensive souvenirs in the perfect position - especially at home, no one knows quite what gifts to their vice.
Harajuku Daiso is not the largest in Tokyo, but stores large ¥ 100 is the most convenient local travel often see the following.
After you've filled your basket with two cups and still benefit you to explore and Omotesando Meiji Jingu court both great (and free) place to travel and see the fashion sported by young people too Harajuku.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Best Judo Martial Arts Japanese Gentle Way
Judo means "gentle way 'is a sport fighting and martial arts of ancient Japan. The type of defense has been spread around the world. The most prominent feature is its competitive element of the object is cast as hostile. On the ground, immobilize or subdue an opponent with planning an attack or force opponent sent off elbow joint, or by running tons. Appointment and thrusts (by hands and feet) as weapons defences as part of judo, but only in. Pre - format (Kata) and are not allowed in judo competition or free practice (Randori)
Japanese judo (from China: "gentle way") system of unarmed combat, now a major sport, such as Aikido, from Japanese soft style techniques termed Jujutsu / Jujitsu. Judo rule are complex and sports; Objective is to throw opponent cleanly, or pin him or his Master with any pressure to arm or neck. Techniques are generally designed to force open the contestants to benefit themselves rather than direct combat.
Rite of ethics in the practice aims to promote attitudes of peace and with confidence. Apparel usually called judogi a lose shirt and trousers of the whites strong. White belts to black wearing by novices and by mid-grade graduate with. Denoted by other colors.
Kano Jigoro (1860-1938) collected the knowledge of the old jujitsu schools of the samurai in Japan and 1882, he founded the Kodokan School of Judo, the sport started as art. The decade Judo Association was formed in part. Large and subsidiaries in Judo Federation with headquarters in Paris.

Rite of ethics in the practice aims to promote attitudes of peace and with confidence. Apparel usually called judogi a lose shirt and trousers of the whites strong. White belts to black wearing by novices and by mid-grade graduate with. Denoted by other colors.
Kano Jigoro (1860-1938) collected the knowledge of the old jujitsu schools of the samurai in Japan and 1882, he founded the Kodokan School of Judo, the sport started as art. The decade Judo Association was formed in part. Large and subsidiaries in Judo Federation with headquarters in Paris.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Best Kagurazaka Tokyo Festival Japanese
Kagurazaka Tokyo JapanIn the center of the Yamanote line in Tokyo Kagurazaka find Slope, an area that was once just beyond the walls of the Imperial Palace grounds, and in which artists, politicians and Geisha, once mixed.
The name is a combination of Kagurazaka kagura (a shrine dance to music) and Saka (Hill) and evokes the places and the topography of this beautiful part of Tokyo. The layout of the area is very similar to what it was when the city was built in the 17th century, although most of the area has been burned, as the result of an air raid on Tokyo in 1920.
Kagurazaka the annual festival is held every July and comprises a Hozuki Ichi (Ground Cherry Pod Fair) and parades with Awa Odori folk dancers. This year festival will take place from July 22 until 25 and is a great opportunity to explore the area.
Festival events are scheduled for the evening so head out early and explore the cobbled streets and shops of this area, where Karyukai, or culture Geisha, was born. In 1910 there were just 600 Geishas who have made the area home and some Ryōtei (case Geisha) are still operating in the area. Shinjuku City Tourism Association offers an ideal guide for Kagurazaka with some photos and history of various points of interest. Also, be sure to ask a local supplier for a copy of the Walking Guide for Kagurazawa.

Kagurazaka the annual festival is held every July and comprises a Hozuki Ichi (Ground Cherry Pod Fair) and parades with Awa Odori folk dancers. This year festival will take place from July 22 until 25 and is a great opportunity to explore the area.

Best Koto Japanese Music Musical Instrument Koto
Koto of Japanese in the first century, 7 and 8 from China. It comes in the form in the first century 5. It is a very popular tool in China. Versions known to the first five lines, which eventually increase. seven strings. It has twelve lines when it was brought to Japanese in early (710-784) and increased thirteen lines.)
Best Koto Japanese Musical Instrument
mobile devices are known only in Asia but in the form: Best Japanese to or koto. a distant relative to qin, komungo Dan tranh Korea and Vietnam. a variety of instruments come in two basic model types that have no bridges and bridge type. Type is most known in China qin. It is similar to other tools in Asia after the original guzheng from China introduced to the world.
Old, koto is a general term for any tool or cable, so when the Japanese koto, were brought to Japanese. Not that the time required koto can not describe these various instruments and string name was changed. Makoto Azuma or. yamatogoto a cart to a relative and not relative koto sau koto not be changed or koto.

Koto advanced to or from gakuso used in Best Japanese court music. It is a popular tool among the wealthy, the koto instrument is considered romantic one. Some literary and historical records only for the koto was centuries before sokyoku or type of music.
koto single founder. koto is the Best Japanese literature as a music video and other important information. As part of the "tale of Genji (Genji monogatari)" Genji less mysterious woman they love deeply never seen before, after he heard. koto playing her from a distance.

mobile devices are known only in Asia but in the form: Best Japanese to or koto. a distant relative to qin, komungo Dan tranh Korea and Vietnam. a variety of instruments come in two basic model types that have no bridges and bridge type. Type is most known in China qin. It is similar to other tools in Asia after the original guzheng from China introduced to the world.
Old, koto is a general term for any tool or cable, so when the Japanese koto, were brought to Japanese. Not that the time required koto can not describe these various instruments and string name was changed. Makoto Azuma or. yamatogoto a cart to a relative and not relative koto sau koto not be changed or koto.
Koto advanced to or from gakuso used in Best Japanese court music. It is a popular tool among the wealthy, the koto instrument is considered romantic one. Some literary and historical records only for the koto was centuries before sokyoku or type of music.
koto single founder. koto is the Best Japanese literature as a music video and other important information. As part of the "tale of Genji (Genji monogatari)" Genji less mysterious woman they love deeply never seen before, after he heard. koto playing her from a distance.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Best Kimono and Yukata Japanese Traditional Clothing
Japanese people usually wear Western clothing such as shirts and pants on weekdays to day life and they see quite polite in the costumes of the West. Interesting characteristics of Japanese clothing, which attract people to their traditional place. him. people worldwide see their garments as unique and interesting manner entirely different from the clothes of other countries.
Kimono Best Japanese A second clothing, some Japanese people is Kimono, Jonihitoe, Yukata etc. Japanese kimono as a garment that can be very decisive worn by men and women. The difference between men and women kimonos is that men are not very flashy and complex and they will. only loosely seamed and have narrower sleeves. ornate style of the women wore kimonos and they feel proud of because it is expensive to acquire.
Best Kimono and Yukata Japanese Traditional Clothing
It includes some services and the unique design makes them different from each other. Kimonos have various parts and will be part of their name. This shows that Japan is cautious about their clothing also. Japanese women in kimono visit a charming but difficult to put on more help from others to enter. This kimono.
Yukata Best JapaneseJapanese women also wear a junihitoe a model Kimono's statements. Jonihitoe a top coat of twelve and is often worn by Japanese women of high birth. Clothing is made from silk and the top layer is pure white silk. . any other class one dress after another over the top floor of this. outermost layer is designed such as shirts and lends appeal to clothing color and art. is very expensive women's clothing Japan and rarely outside Japan.
Women's clothing and other Japanese Yukata, which damaged more by women, but sometimes also worn by men. Yukata is certain that most clothing worn in summer. Will be in style but not as elaborate as a kimono. Yukata letters mean. the clothes worn in the U.S., but these clothes opportunities and festivals such as firework displays. Yukata include cotton and now is available in various colors, but the convention include cotton, indigo dye.

Best Kimono and Yukata Japanese Traditional Clothing
It includes some services and the unique design makes them different from each other. Kimonos have various parts and will be part of their name. This shows that Japan is cautious about their clothing also. Japanese women in kimono visit a charming but difficult to put on more help from others to enter. This kimono.

Women's clothing and other Japanese Yukata, which damaged more by women, but sometimes also worn by men. Yukata is certain that most clothing worn in summer. Will be in style but not as elaborate as a kimono. Yukata letters mean. the clothes worn in the U.S., but these clothes opportunities and festivals such as firework displays. Yukata include cotton and now is available in various colors, but the convention include cotton, indigo dye.
Best Food Menu Japanese Recipce Basic Restaurant
People around the world come to the site by reason of this difference. Some just interested in Japanese cuisine. Some people are doing research about Japanese food. Some people are looking for places to buy Japanese food. And many people are looking for recipes. what is this site's most popular recipes?
Best Food Menu Japanese Recipce Basic Restaurant
Miso soup is a popular Japanese food Tofu is a common ingredient in soups Miso soup with tofu to hot and green onion.
Sukiyaki is a popular food bowl Beef sliced thin and is the main ingredient is simmered in Sukiyaki sauce skillet and many vegetables.
Rice balls called onigiri in Japan. Balls of rice to bring food popular in Japan.
Yakisoba is a popular Japanese fried noodle.
California rolls sushi roll that is popular in countries other than Japan is Regular, rotating the California avocado and crab meat.
Tempura is a famous Japanese deep fried You can with tempura vegetables, seafood and more. Shrimp is the most popular ingredient for tempura.
You can tempura vegetables with meat and seafood range Know how to make tempura batter is a basic fundamental.
Teriyaki chicken is a chicken barbecue sauce sweet teriyaki You can serve chicken teriyaki with steamed rice.
Green Tea Very Health Effects
Best Food Menu Japanese Recipce Basic Restaurant

Sukiyaki is a popular food bowl Beef sliced thin and is the main ingredient is simmered in Sukiyaki sauce skillet and many vegetables.
Rice balls called onigiri in Japan. Balls of rice to bring food popular in Japan.
Yakisoba is a popular Japanese fried noodle.
California rolls sushi roll that is popular in countries other than Japan is Regular, rotating the California avocado and crab meat.

You can tempura vegetables with meat and seafood range Know how to make tempura batter is a basic fundamental.
Teriyaki chicken is a chicken barbecue sauce sweet teriyaki You can serve chicken teriyaki with steamed rice.
Green Tea Very Health Effects

Deep Fried Turkey - The Best Way to Cook a Turkey
If you haven't tried deep fried turkey, you are missing out on one of life's true pleasures. There really isn't anything like it. The skin is crisp and delicious, the white and dark meat are moist and tender, and it generally takes less than an hour to cook. I will often fry several and do the following: the first one is usually the "pickin' turkey" where it comes out hot and people just pick off bits of skin and meat - it really is the best that way, kind of along the Krispy Kreme doughnut principle where the sooner it comes out of the fryer, the better it is; one or two more will feed people on Thanksgiving; one or two will be carved and frozen for another day...alas it never seems to last as long as I want. I also take the carcasses and will make a good turkey jook (or soup) the next day.
Frying for the first time can be a bit intimidating, but after awhile, you'll find it is very easy. Here are some tips that I've learned over the years:
1. Get good frying equipment and make sure the stand for the fry pot is sturdy. Don't forget to fill the propane tank in advance.
2. If I do it optimally, I will brine thawed turkeys (that are no more than 15 pounds, although 12-14 pounds is best) the night before in a solution of about a cup of kosher salt to each gallon of water with ice, enough to cover, along with some peppercorns and maybe some poultry seasoning. I'm not a big fan of adding sugar to the brine, but that's up to you. If I'm doing several, I will brine the turkeys in a clean cooler. You can also use a clean, unused paint bucket if you are only doing one and have enough room in your fridge to put the bucket in.
If I'm lazier (which I tend to be more these days), I will buy frozen turkeys that have been injected with a broth solution already (the Safeway sale turkeys are like that). The day before, I will place the frozen turkeys - still in their wrappers - in the cooler, cover with water, and they should be thawed by the next day (but watch the temperature of the water and make sure it still is cold enough). The downside of this method is that some of the brine will diffuse out of the turkey and the flavor loss may be noticeable to some, but it is a whole lot easier.
3. Make sure the turkey is completely thawed. If doing the lazy method, you will often find that the cavity is still a bit frozen. Soak in cold water without ice for a bit.
4. Make sure that the turkey is absolutely dry, patting down with paper or lint-free cloth towels, making sure you dry off the pesky cavity. Water is the enemy of the deep fryer - you will have painful and dangerous oil spatter if you aren't careful; the dry rub doesn't stay on as well either.
5. The classic seasoning for deep fried turkey is Tony Chachere Creole Seasoning (pronounced Satchery as in hatchery - don't ask me why, it's a Southern thing). Liberally sprinkle and rub all over the skin and inside the cavity. You can add some freshly cracked black pepper as well.
Some people like to inject the birds with different things...after the first year, I did not. If you brine the turkeys or get one of the pre-injected turkeys that haven't lost a lot of broth, there will be plenty of flavor.
5. Make sure that the turkeys come close to room temperature. It will keep the oil from cooling down too much and make the turkey more greasy. When making several, I bring the next one out right after I lower a turkey into the fryer.
6. Use oil that has a very high smoke point. Peanut oil is the classic, but it is the most expensive (although the prices this year are about 40% cheaper - about $30 for the big container), but since one of my daughters has a peanut allergy, I use liquid vegetable shortening - yes, I know about trans fats, but it tastes a lot better than canola. Costco has it for about $20.
7. Remember that oil is different than water!! It takes time for the oil to come to temperature (no higher than 375 degrees). Don't be tempted to put the heat on very high to speed up the heating process. You will find that it will seem slow and then all of a sudden be too hot. The oil cannot be taken to the smoke point, or else it will break down and the quality will suffer. You also run the definite risk of burning your turkey, because oil also takes a long time to cool down.
The converse of that is that you should not let the oil go below 325 degrees, which usually means your turkey was too cold to begin with. If it does, do not fiddle with the flame too much, if at all. The oil should come back to temp. Increasing the flame even a little too much will cause the turkey to burn black - I know, this happened to me the first year. Remember the principle: oil is slow to heat, and slow to cool. Patience is the key.
8. When lowering the turkey into the fryer, you must be very careful, or else there will be spatter that will burn you, or the oil will bubble over and there is a real fire danger.
I have developed a "teabag" technique where I dip the turkey slowly so the bottom of the bird gets seared, then dip a little bit more so more gets seared. After doing this a few times, I will very carefully dip so that oil gets into the cavity, then pulling it out immediately, so there is no spatter. The cavity tends to have the most moisture, so the dipping method sears the inside as well as the outside. I repeat this procedure again, a few more times, and then slowly lower the turkey into the fryer. If the oil is still bubbling too much, raise the turkey and lower again. This takes a lot of practice, so be very, very careful!
Once all the way in, I will fry for about 3 1/2 minutes per pound. You may wish to experiment. Use an instant read thermometer until the breast reads at least 165 degrees (although I usually cook it until the temp is at least 170; the dark meat can reach 180 degrees). Even if the temperature is a little higher than than that, it's okay, because trying keeps the meat moist.
I usually place a cardboard box on the ground with several sheets of newspaper and paper towels on top and place the beautifully browned turkey on that, and remove carefully from the caddy.
The only downside to deep fried turkey is that you can't put stuffing into the cavity or the neck. But it is a small price to pay for something so absolutely delicious!
Grace and aloha,
P. S. The first Thanksgiving might not have had too much turkey. Venison almost certainly was the main meat, along with duck, and perhaps fish, such as cod. Corn was prominent.
The one thing that hopefully never changes from the first Thanksgiving is the gratitude to God the Pilgrims had in surviving a harsh first year in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
May your Thanksgiving be blessed!
Frying for the first time can be a bit intimidating, but after awhile, you'll find it is very easy. Here are some tips that I've learned over the years:
1. Get good frying equipment and make sure the stand for the fry pot is sturdy. Don't forget to fill the propane tank in advance.
2. If I do it optimally, I will brine thawed turkeys (that are no more than 15 pounds, although 12-14 pounds is best) the night before in a solution of about a cup of kosher salt to each gallon of water with ice, enough to cover, along with some peppercorns and maybe some poultry seasoning. I'm not a big fan of adding sugar to the brine, but that's up to you. If I'm doing several, I will brine the turkeys in a clean cooler. You can also use a clean, unused paint bucket if you are only doing one and have enough room in your fridge to put the bucket in.
If I'm lazier (which I tend to be more these days), I will buy frozen turkeys that have been injected with a broth solution already (the Safeway sale turkeys are like that). The day before, I will place the frozen turkeys - still in their wrappers - in the cooler, cover with water, and they should be thawed by the next day (but watch the temperature of the water and make sure it still is cold enough). The downside of this method is that some of the brine will diffuse out of the turkey and the flavor loss may be noticeable to some, but it is a whole lot easier.
3. Make sure the turkey is completely thawed. If doing the lazy method, you will often find that the cavity is still a bit frozen. Soak in cold water without ice for a bit.
4. Make sure that the turkey is absolutely dry, patting down with paper or lint-free cloth towels, making sure you dry off the pesky cavity. Water is the enemy of the deep fryer - you will have painful and dangerous oil spatter if you aren't careful; the dry rub doesn't stay on as well either.
5. The classic seasoning for deep fried turkey is Tony Chachere Creole Seasoning (pronounced Satchery as in hatchery - don't ask me why, it's a Southern thing). Liberally sprinkle and rub all over the skin and inside the cavity. You can add some freshly cracked black pepper as well.
Some people like to inject the birds with different things...after the first year, I did not. If you brine the turkeys or get one of the pre-injected turkeys that haven't lost a lot of broth, there will be plenty of flavor.
5. Make sure that the turkeys come close to room temperature. It will keep the oil from cooling down too much and make the turkey more greasy. When making several, I bring the next one out right after I lower a turkey into the fryer.
6. Use oil that has a very high smoke point. Peanut oil is the classic, but it is the most expensive (although the prices this year are about 40% cheaper - about $30 for the big container), but since one of my daughters has a peanut allergy, I use liquid vegetable shortening - yes, I know about trans fats, but it tastes a lot better than canola. Costco has it for about $20.
7. Remember that oil is different than water!! It takes time for the oil to come to temperature (no higher than 375 degrees). Don't be tempted to put the heat on very high to speed up the heating process. You will find that it will seem slow and then all of a sudden be too hot. The oil cannot be taken to the smoke point, or else it will break down and the quality will suffer. You also run the definite risk of burning your turkey, because oil also takes a long time to cool down.
The converse of that is that you should not let the oil go below 325 degrees, which usually means your turkey was too cold to begin with. If it does, do not fiddle with the flame too much, if at all. The oil should come back to temp. Increasing the flame even a little too much will cause the turkey to burn black - I know, this happened to me the first year. Remember the principle: oil is slow to heat, and slow to cool. Patience is the key.
8. When lowering the turkey into the fryer, you must be very careful, or else there will be spatter that will burn you, or the oil will bubble over and there is a real fire danger.
I have developed a "teabag" technique where I dip the turkey slowly so the bottom of the bird gets seared, then dip a little bit more so more gets seared. After doing this a few times, I will very carefully dip so that oil gets into the cavity, then pulling it out immediately, so there is no spatter. The cavity tends to have the most moisture, so the dipping method sears the inside as well as the outside. I repeat this procedure again, a few more times, and then slowly lower the turkey into the fryer. If the oil is still bubbling too much, raise the turkey and lower again. This takes a lot of practice, so be very, very careful!
Once all the way in, I will fry for about 3 1/2 minutes per pound. You may wish to experiment. Use an instant read thermometer until the breast reads at least 165 degrees (although I usually cook it until the temp is at least 170; the dark meat can reach 180 degrees). Even if the temperature is a little higher than than that, it's okay, because trying keeps the meat moist.
I usually place a cardboard box on the ground with several sheets of newspaper and paper towels on top and place the beautifully browned turkey on that, and remove carefully from the caddy.
The only downside to deep fried turkey is that you can't put stuffing into the cavity or the neck. But it is a small price to pay for something so absolutely delicious!
Grace and aloha,
P. S. The first Thanksgiving might not have had too much turkey. Venison almost certainly was the main meat, along with duck, and perhaps fish, such as cod. Corn was prominent.
The one thing that hopefully never changes from the first Thanksgiving is the gratitude to God the Pilgrims had in surviving a harsh first year in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
May your Thanksgiving be blessed!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Best Sushi Bar Menu Japanese Food Low Fat
What is sushi ? sushi is not just. As fish or sushi? Publish in Japanese sushi sashimi and sushi run not the same. Food rice wine to sushi rice, seasoned with vinegar display. Surely the most popular ingredient in sushi sashimi, sushi, Japanese sticky rice is a key component of. Welcome sushi is not sushi. Included in multiple categories. Cooked fish, shellfish and other ingredients can be included as sushi.
History of Sushi from China
Origins of sushi in Japan, no. This is the sushi from Japan, said China was introduced in the seventh century. Start treatment when the ultra sushi refrigerator no. Since then, fish, sushi rice and salt fermentation order necessary relevant with rice in Japan. And a combination of fish and sushi rice development today.
Sushi food low fat
Sushi is low fat food to more nutritious. Irregular 7-9 each contain 300-450 calories. Fish in sushi provides protein and omega 3 can be good sources of fatty acids. Is a major source of vegetables. Vitamines. Seaweed is rich in iodine. Rice to complex carbohydrate.

Origins of sushi in Japan, no. This is the sushi from Japan, said China was introduced in the seventh century. Start treatment when the ultra sushi refrigerator no. Since then, fish, sushi rice and salt fermentation order necessary relevant with rice in Japan. And a combination of fish and sushi rice development today.

Sushi is low fat food to more nutritious. Irregular 7-9 each contain 300-450 calories. Fish in sushi provides protein and omega 3 can be good sources of fatty acids. Is a major source of vegetables. Vitamines. Seaweed is rich in iodine. Rice to complex carbohydrate.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Best Sakura Flowers Festival Japanese Cherry Blossom






resistensi terbesar dari masuk ke dalam sebuah sistem : terjebak dgn romantisme yg disebabkan akumulasi pengalaman dan kebersamaan. hal ini menyebabkan kita jadi terlena di comfort zone dan lupa untuk mengkritisi sistem itu sendiri dengan terus membuat pembenaran2 yang gak ada habisnya
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Kikuya Restaurant in Kaneohe - Classic Local Style Japanese
Aloha...many of you thought that I may have starved to death since it has been a month since my last post. We've been in the midst of moving from Kailua to our own home in Kaneohe and it's been a crazy time. We've been eating at fast food chains a lot and didn't think you needed thoughts on those places.
Yesterday, however, a group of United Methodist pastors and I had lunch at a place I had heard about a lot, but had never been to: Kikuya Restaurant, 46-148 Kahuhipa St, Kaneohe, HI (808) 235-2613. It's located in the industrial section of this Windward Oahu town.
This is old fashioned Local Hawaii style Japanese food - not too fancy, in spartan decor, but reliably good.
The four of us opted for three of the combination plates. Two got the fried ahi with tempura.

I got a taste of a bit of the ahi. It was good and full of flavor. Gilbert, who frequently comments on the blog and who took these pictures, thought that the fish was cut a little thin and that made it just a touch dry, but he thought the flavor was terrific.
Another combination chosen was chicken katsu and tempura.

My pastor friend thought that the chicken katsu was very good, better than most.
I got the chicken teriyaki and tempura.

This is chicken teriyaki like I love: marinated through and through and the chicken has been charred nicely on the outside, but the inside is tender and juicy. The one thing I really appreciate about Kikuya is that they are not afraid to season their food. There are too many times when other places under-season their food. As much as I love Dean's Drive Inn most of the time, for example, there are times when they will under-season food. Absolutely no problem at Kikuya. Everything was seasoned extremely well.
We all thought that the tempura was good. I would probably pick a few other places' tempura to be a bit better, but I don't have any complaints.
The potato salad was also enjoyed by all.
The prices are good: about $9.50 for a good sized plate is a good deal.
A bonus: they do a brisk take-out business as well, with mini-plates like the chicken katsu and teriyaki dishes for only $5.
I would say that the other three pastors and I definitely recommend this place for a no frills, but thoroughly enjoyable meal. You're going to doubt the word of three men of the cloth? :>
Grace and aloha,
P. S. I briefly mentioned Dean's Drive Inn in this post. One thing that you'll notice is that it closes at 4:00 p.m. on Fridays and they are closed on Saturdays. This is because the owners are Seventh Day Adventists (SDA's). This is a Christian denomination that tries to honor the entire Bible and considers the Old Testament Law to be authoritative for their lives. SDA's believe that Saturday is the Biblical Sabbath and do no work on that day and the evening before. My mother-in-law is SDA, and she will not watch television or cook meals during the Sabbath. SDA's will also not eat pork or other foods that would be considered by Jews to be non-Kosher.
Most Christians (including myself) hold to St. Paul's teaching that they are freed from the law because of the work of Christ, therefore do not feel compelled to observe Sabbath and dietary laws. Moreover, since Jesus was resurrected on a Sunday, most Christians will worship on Sunday as the Day of the Lord.
I do, however, have a healthy respect for SDA's (and would even if my mother-in-law was not SDA, BTW) and their determination to have integrity about their faith life.
Yesterday, however, a group of United Methodist pastors and I had lunch at a place I had heard about a lot, but had never been to: Kikuya Restaurant, 46-148 Kahuhipa St, Kaneohe, HI (808) 235-2613. It's located in the industrial section of this Windward Oahu town.
This is old fashioned Local Hawaii style Japanese food - not too fancy, in spartan decor, but reliably good.
The four of us opted for three of the combination plates. Two got the fried ahi with tempura.
I got a taste of a bit of the ahi. It was good and full of flavor. Gilbert, who frequently comments on the blog and who took these pictures, thought that the fish was cut a little thin and that made it just a touch dry, but he thought the flavor was terrific.
Another combination chosen was chicken katsu and tempura.
My pastor friend thought that the chicken katsu was very good, better than most.
I got the chicken teriyaki and tempura.
This is chicken teriyaki like I love: marinated through and through and the chicken has been charred nicely on the outside, but the inside is tender and juicy. The one thing I really appreciate about Kikuya is that they are not afraid to season their food. There are too many times when other places under-season their food. As much as I love Dean's Drive Inn most of the time, for example, there are times when they will under-season food. Absolutely no problem at Kikuya. Everything was seasoned extremely well.
We all thought that the tempura was good. I would probably pick a few other places' tempura to be a bit better, but I don't have any complaints.
The potato salad was also enjoyed by all.
The prices are good: about $9.50 for a good sized plate is a good deal.
A bonus: they do a brisk take-out business as well, with mini-plates like the chicken katsu and teriyaki dishes for only $5.
I would say that the other three pastors and I definitely recommend this place for a no frills, but thoroughly enjoyable meal. You're going to doubt the word of three men of the cloth? :>
Grace and aloha,
P. S. I briefly mentioned Dean's Drive Inn in this post. One thing that you'll notice is that it closes at 4:00 p.m. on Fridays and they are closed on Saturdays. This is because the owners are Seventh Day Adventists (SDA's). This is a Christian denomination that tries to honor the entire Bible and considers the Old Testament Law to be authoritative for their lives. SDA's believe that Saturday is the Biblical Sabbath and do no work on that day and the evening before. My mother-in-law is SDA, and she will not watch television or cook meals during the Sabbath. SDA's will also not eat pork or other foods that would be considered by Jews to be non-Kosher.
Most Christians (including myself) hold to St. Paul's teaching that they are freed from the law because of the work of Christ, therefore do not feel compelled to observe Sabbath and dietary laws. Moreover, since Jesus was resurrected on a Sunday, most Christians will worship on Sunday as the Day of the Lord.
I do, however, have a healthy respect for SDA's (and would even if my mother-in-law was not SDA, BTW) and their determination to have integrity about their faith life.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
If I Could See!
Sometimes we get things that really open our eyes. May God Bless all of you in reading this beautiful “Story To Live By”!
- - - - - - -
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She Hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.
He asked her, 'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.
Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.'
- - - - - - -
This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.
Life Is a Gift!
Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion.
Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who died too early.
Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.
Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive - Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.
And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us is without sin.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and think: you're alive and still around.
I pray this moves around the entire universe!
- - - - - - -
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She Hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.
He asked her, 'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.
Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.'
- - - - - - -
This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.
Life Is a Gift!
Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion.
Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who died too early.
Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.
Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive - Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.
And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us is without sin.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and think: you're alive and still around.
I pray this moves around the entire universe!
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