Saturday, April 30, 2011
Passing on Food Blog Awards
And the winner is...
Last week I was honored to receive my first food blog awards. Yey! There are a whole bunch of them: the Sisterhood of the world bloggers award and Group of Awards including The Stylish blogger award, Kreativ blogger, Lovely blogger yummy recipes award, You are the best blogger, One lovely blog award and Lovely blogger award. And to make it even nicer, the awards were passed on to me by Gourmantine who has a beautiful blog that has been an inspiration to me ever since I’ve discovered it. Some of her recipes on my wish list to make are Macarons, Panna Cotta and Ice-cream Coffee . And there are many-many more delicious posts and photos. If you have not seen her blog, you must check it out :-).
Now following the award-winner tradition, I need to name 7 things about myself. So here they are:
1. I am one of those people who remember places they visit by the food they had there.
2. I started cooking after a summer-long trip to France, where I absolutely fell in love with French food and the whole ceremony and presentation around it. When I got back home I could not eat my mom’s food for a while – it was not plated nicely enough for me. So, being a student who could not afford dining out in French restaurants every day, I was forced to start cooking for myself.
3. Not surprisingly, I guess, French is my favorite cuisine to this day.
4. If I could change one thing about food that would be taking out the calories… A girl can dream…
5. A couple of years ago I managed to lose 55 lbs in 7 months (check out my Weightlossophy). Ever since, I have kept my weight around the “normal” mark. This has been a hard task with all these amazing recipes on my wish list.
6. Two years ago I started baking bread thanks to the amazing book “Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day” that I strongly recommend to everyone interested in bread baking. Now I rarely buy bread.
7. I love being a messy diner. I even came up with a personal motto: “First eat with your eyes…. then with your hands!” And don’t forget to lick the fingers :-).
And now to the best part: passing on the awards! This has been a really difficult decision – there are so many amazing blogs out there. But after long deliberations, here’s a list of the wonderful food blogs that I have the honor to pass the awards to (in alphabetical order):
So, in the style of the Cardigans: “I cry and I beg for you to Like me, Like me, say that you Like me” … :-) on Facebook (Cook book of trial and error)
Last week I was honored to receive my first food blog awards. Yey! There are a whole bunch of them: the Sisterhood of the world bloggers award and Group of Awards including The Stylish blogger award, Kreativ blogger, Lovely blogger yummy recipes award, You are the best blogger, One lovely blog award and Lovely blogger award. And to make it even nicer, the awards were passed on to me by Gourmantine who has a beautiful blog that has been an inspiration to me ever since I’ve discovered it. Some of her recipes on my wish list to make are Macarons, Panna Cotta and Ice-cream Coffee . And there are many-many more delicious posts and photos. If you have not seen her blog, you must check it out :-).
Now following the award-winner tradition, I need to name 7 things about myself. So here they are:
1. I am one of those people who remember places they visit by the food they had there.
2. I started cooking after a summer-long trip to France, where I absolutely fell in love with French food and the whole ceremony and presentation around it. When I got back home I could not eat my mom’s food for a while – it was not plated nicely enough for me. So, being a student who could not afford dining out in French restaurants every day, I was forced to start cooking for myself.
3. Not surprisingly, I guess, French is my favorite cuisine to this day.
4. If I could change one thing about food that would be taking out the calories… A girl can dream…
5. A couple of years ago I managed to lose 55 lbs in 7 months (check out my Weightlossophy). Ever since, I have kept my weight around the “normal” mark. This has been a hard task with all these amazing recipes on my wish list.
6. Two years ago I started baking bread thanks to the amazing book “Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day” that I strongly recommend to everyone interested in bread baking. Now I rarely buy bread.
7. I love being a messy diner. I even came up with a personal motto: “First eat with your eyes…. then with your hands!” And don’t forget to lick the fingers :-).
And now to the best part: passing on the awards! This has been a really difficult decision – there are so many amazing blogs out there. But after long deliberations, here’s a list of the wonderful food blogs that I have the honor to pass the awards to (in alphabetical order):
All Day I Dream about Food
Angie’s Recipes
Baking in Boots
Feast on the Cheap
Food for my Family
Food Obsessed
Gourmande in the Kitchen
Indian Simmer
Just One Cookbook
La Mia Vita Dolce
Linden Tea
Passionate about Baking
Spicie Foodie
The Ardent Epicure
Zoe Bakes
P.s. Not quite related to the above, I finally managed (or so it seems) to upload my blog to Facebook. Angie’s Recipes
Baking in Boots
Feast on the Cheap
Food for my Family
Food Obsessed
Gourmande in the Kitchen
Indian Simmer
Just One Cookbook
La Mia Vita Dolce
Linden Tea
Passionate about Baking
Spicie Foodie
The Ardent Epicure
Zoe Bakes
So, in the style of the Cardigans: “I cry and I beg for you to Like me, Like me, say that you Like me” … :-) on Facebook (Cook book of trial and error)
Yesus Mati Untuk Orang Berdosa
Dibaptis di dalam nama Bapa, Anak, dan Roh Kudus. |
Manusia telah jatuh ke dalam dosa karena pemberontakan yang dilakukan oleh manusia terhadap Pencipta, yaitu Tuhan. Manusia sendiri yang membuat permusuhan dengan Tuhan sehingga apa pun yang dilakukan oleh manusia tidak ada yang benar di hadapan Tuhan. Manusia menjadi serba salah karena manusia tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik dan yang jahat sehingga manusia hidupnya ditawan oleh perbuatan mereka dan perbuatan mereka adalah dosa. Manusia yang ditawan oleh dosa, artinya dia adalah budak dosa, seorang budak dosa hidupnya terbelenggu oleh perbudakan dosa. Tuhan mempunyai satu rancangan untuk memperbaiki hubungan yang terputus antara sorga dan bumi yang telah rusak karena dosa yang telah dibuat oleh manusia pertama, yaitu Adam dan isterinya, Hawa. Keselamatan manusia adalah inisiatif Tuhan sendiri terhadap manusia. Tuhan Mahatahu, bahwa manusia tidak akan mampu mendapatkan keselamatan dengan kekuatan sendiri, karena dosa sudah membelenggu hidup manusia. Karena itu, tugas penyelamatan ditugaskan kepada putra-Nya yang tunggal, yaitu Yesus Kristus, keturunan Abraham dari Ishak yang akan meremukan kepala ular, yaitu Iblis, si Penipu manusia.
Yesus datang untuk mengenapi kehendak Tuhan. Kehendak Tuhan yang paling utama adalah memulihkan hubungan manusia terhadap Tuhan melalui perantara manusia yang membawa sifat ilahi, yaitu bebas dari dosa dengan cara penebusan sehingga manusia bebas dari perbudakan dosa. Pemulihan hubungan yang telah terputus ini mutlak adalah inisiatif dari Tuhan yang dinyatakan kepada Hawa, bahwa keturunan Hawa akan meremukkan kepala ular. Kemudian Tuhan menegaskan kembali janji-Nya, terhadap siapa keturunan Hawa ini, yaitu Ishak, anak Abraham dari ibunya, yaitu Sarah. Dan, kehendak Allah telah disampaikan kepada manusia melalui para nabi-nabi Tuhan, antara lain hukum Tuhan atau Taurat disampaikan melalui Musa, nubuatan Juru Selamat disampaikan melalui Yesaya dan Yeremia. Kehendak Tuhan yang kedua adalah melalui Roh Kudus memberi kekuatan kepada manusia supaya hidup kudus di hadapan Tuhan.
Selama ribuan tahun manusia mencari Tuhan dan berusaha menyenangkan Tuhan dengan harapan mendapatkan kenikmatan hidup, karena dalam keadaan berdosa manusia menyadari ada kekuatan Mahaperkasa di luar kekuatan manusia. Melangkah lebih jauh lagi, manusia tidak lagi sekedar mendapatkan kenikmatan hidup, melainkan mendapatkan keselamatan kekal. Tuhan menghendaki bahwa suatu tindakan dapat menyenangkan Tuhan, jika dilakukan sesuai menurut kehendak Tuhan, bukan menurut kehendak manusia. Tindakan seperti apa yang dapat menyenangkan Tuhan? Manusia dengan segala upaya melakukan perbuatan yang dikira baik menurut pandangan manusia sebagai manifestasi ibadat kepada Tuhan.
Namun, orang hanya dapat diselamatkan dari budak dosa jika menaati kehendak Tuhan untuk beriman kepada Yesus, Anak-Nya yang tunggal, yang dilahirkan dari rahim Maria, yang dikandung dari Roh Kudus, dan Maria satu garis keturunan dari Ishak, anak Abraham. Bangsa Israel menjadi budak di Mesir selama 400 tahun adalah gambaran manusia yang menjadi budak dosa. Bangsa ini dibebaskan keluar dari Mesir karena menaati perintah Tuhan melalui Musa untuk membubuhkan darah anak domba atau anak kambing jantan, tidak bercacat, dan berumur setahun di kedua tiang pintu serambi masing-masing rumah mereka pada senja hari. Darah anak domba atau kambing jantan dibubuhkan dengan menggunakan hisop. Pada suatu tengah malam semua rumah di Mesir termasuk istana raja dikunjungi oleh malaikat Tuhan yang membawa maut pada setiap keluarga yang tidak menaati perintah Tuhan. Jika kedua tiang pintu serambi suatu rumah terdapat tanda bubuhan darah anak domba atau kambing jantan, semua penghuni rumah tidak akan mengalami kematian; sebaliknya jika sebuah rumah tidak didapati tanda bubuhan darah anak domba atau kambing jantan, malaikat Tuhan akan mencabut nyawa anak sulung keluarga ini; bahkan anak sulung ternak pun tidak luput dari kematian. Pada saat fajar menyingsing, timbulah kedahsyatan luar biasa di seluruh mesir, karena anak sulung raja tidak luput dari kematian. Ratusan ribu kematian melanda Mesir. Tetapi bangsa Israel semua selamat. Mereka diijinkan oleh Raja Mesir, Firaun meninggalkan Mesir, mereka menjadi manusia bebas dari perbudakan. Darah anak domba jantan adalah lambang atau meterai keselamatan bangsa Israel yang mentaati perintah Tuhan. Penyembelihan anak domba jantan diperingati oleh bangsa Israel sebagai Hari Raya Paskah, artinya hari pembebasan dari perbudakan. Selain itu, bangsa Israel juga memperingati penebusan dosa pribadi melalui curahan darah domba, kambing, atau sapi jantan tidak bercacat sebagai bagian dari hukum atau syariat Taurat.
Di masa lalu orang yang menjadi budak seorang tuan dapat dibebaskan oleh pihak lain yang bebas dengan satu tebusan yang sepadan ketika tuan pemilik budak mendapatkan budak ini. Budak tidak pernah dapat bebas dengan kekuatannya sendiri. Semua perbuatan baiknya tidak dipandang sebelah mata oleh pemilik budak, yaitu tuan besar pemilik budak. Perbudakan dosa adalah masalah hidup dan mati, maka penebusan dosa harus dilakukan dengan nilai yang mempunyai hidup juga. Di dalam darah terdapat kehidupan makhluk hidup, tanpa darah domba, kambing, dan sapi pasti mati, karena itu darah adalah lambang penebusan dosa manusia; manusia yang menjadi budak dosa pasti mendapatkan kematian. Jadi, makna pencurahan darah hewan pada Hari Raya Paskah adalah tanpa mempunyai sesuatu nilai yang membuat manusia itu hidup, maka manusia sebenarnya telah mati jiwanya. Sejak di dalam kandungan Maria, Yesus dipenuhi oleh Roh Kudus atau Roh Tuhan, maka darah-Nya kudus dan memberi hidup sehingga dapat menjadi tebusan dosa bagi siapa saya yang mempercayai-Nya.
Yesus disalibkan bertepatan pada saat bangsa Israel akan merayakan Hari Raya Paskah sehari sebelumnya. Yesus digantung di kayu salib, darah-Nya mengalir keluar dari tubuh-Nya membasahi salib dan jatuh membasahi bumi. Darah Yesus tercurah ke bumi adalah lambang atau meterai keselamatan kekal untuk mendapatkan pengampunan dosa, Yesus berkuasa mengampuni dosa manusia; sebagai manusia, Dia bebas dari dosa. Hanya Tuhan yang bebas dari dosa. Tuhan yang menebus dosa manusia, Yesus adalah Tuhan, karena Roh Tuhan ada di dalam-Nya. “ … Barangsiapa percaya kepada-Nya [Yesus], dia [Anda] tidak akan dihukum; barangsiapa tidak percaya, dia [Anda] telah berada di bawah hukuman, sebab dia [Anda] tidak percaya dalam nama Anak Tunggal Allah [Yesus] … “ [Yohanes 3].
Yesus disalibkan bertepatan pada saat bangsa Israel akan merayakan Hari Raya Paskah sehari sebelumnya. Yesus digantung di kayu salib, darah-Nya mengalir keluar dari tubuh-Nya membasahi salib dan jatuh membasahi bumi. Darah Yesus tercurah ke bumi adalah lambang atau meterai keselamatan kekal untuk mendapatkan pengampunan dosa, Yesus berkuasa mengampuni dosa manusia; sebagai manusia, Dia bebas dari dosa. Hanya Tuhan yang bebas dari dosa. Tuhan yang menebus dosa manusia, Yesus adalah Tuhan, karena Roh Tuhan ada di dalam-Nya. “ … Barangsiapa percaya kepada-Nya [Yesus], dia [Anda] tidak akan dihukum; barangsiapa tidak percaya, dia [Anda] telah berada di bawah hukuman, sebab dia [Anda] tidak percaya dalam nama Anak Tunggal Allah [Yesus] … “ [Yohanes 3].
Yesus juga merasakan kodrat-Nya sebagai manusia. Satu abad setelah Yesus mati di kayu salib telah berkembang satu ajaran yang mengatakan, bahwa dalam kemanusiaan-Nya, Yesus mempunyai tubuh yang maya saja. Jadi, tapak kaki-Nya tidak meninggalkan jejak di bumi. Hantu barangkali? Lebih jauh lagi dari ajaran ini, ada ajaran yang mengatakan, bahwa siapa pun orang yang menderita sengsara untuk kemuliaan Tuhan tidak akan merasakan sakit fisik, betapa pun hebat siksaan yang dialami oleh orang ini; ajaran ini sempat beredar di kalangan orang Kristen di Indonesia. Ketika Yesus pernah hidup di tanah Palestina sebagai manusia, hidup dengan dimensi fisik manusia, maka Dia juga mempunyai kodrat yang ada pada umumnya manusia, seperti haus, sakit, lapar, kedinginan, marah, gembira, dan … Dia juga mengalami kematian. Tuhan mati? Yesus datang dari sorga turun ke bumi sebagai manusia dengan cara dilahirkan seperti manusia, maka Dia juga harus kembali ke sorga dengan cara seperti yang dialami oleh manusia, yaitu kematian.
Yesus menyelesaikan tugas-Nya. Yesus adalah metafora anak domba jantan tidak bercela [tidak mempunyai dosa] yang dikorbankan oleh bangsa Israel setiap Hari Raya Paskah. Hari Raya Paskah Yahudi memperingati hari bebas dari perbudakan bangsa Mesir, sebaliknya Hari Raya Paskah orang yang percaya kepada Yesus [baca : Orang Kristen] memperingati, bahwa percaya kepada Yesus berarti menerima darah Yesus sebagai meterai yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan di hadapan Bapa yang mengutus Yesus untuk menyelamatkan manusia dari budak dosa. Kemudian hari, apabila Yesus datang ke dunia kedua kalinya, hanya mereka yang mempunyai meterai Anak Domba Tuhan dari Sorga saja yang akan dibangkitkan dari kematian secara fisik. Bagaimana dengan Nuh, Musa, Abraham, Yosua, Yesaya, dan seterusnya sampai kedatangan Yesus yang pertama di Palestina? Mereka menjalankan perintah dari Tuhan dengan landasan iman kepada Tuhan yang memberi keselamatan, bukan karena perbuatan atau ketaatan terhadap syariat. Mereka juga akan dibangkitkan pada hari kedatangan Yesus yang kedua.
Beberapa abad setelah Yesus mati di kayu salib, ada ajaran yang mengatakan bahwa bukan Yesus, anak Maria yang disalibkan, melainkan orang lain, yaitu Yudas Iskariot, murid-Nya yang berkhianat yang disamarkan sebagai Yesus karena Tuhan tidak mungkin mati, apalagi mati secara terhina. Ini ajaran salah!!! Hanya orang bebal saja yang mau mempercayai ajaran sesat ini. Ingatlah baik-baik sekali lagi, bahwa keselamatan datang dari keturunan Ishak, anak Abraham, sedangkan Yudas Iskariot bukan berasal dari keturunan Ishak. Yesus mati, menyerahkan nyawa-Nya, turun ke dunia orang mati, atau alam maut. Tiga hari setelah berada di alam maut, Dia bangkit dari kematian, keluar dari kuburan. Kuburan ini dijaga oleh satu regu tentara Romawi, tetapi semua penjaga ketakutan ketika Dia keluar dari kubur. Maria Magdalena dan Petrus yang menjadi saksi atas peristiwa besar ini. Jika ada Manusia yang dapat bangkit dari kematian, Yesus orangnya, karena Roh Tuhan ada di dalam diri-Nya, Roh Tuhan membangkitkan tubuh Yesus. Manusia biasa seperti Yudas Iskariot, termasuk Nuh, Abraham, Musa, dan lain-lain termasuk Anda, di dalam tubuh kita ini tersimpan roh manusia, kalau tubuh mengalami kematian, maka roh manusia tetap istirahat di alam hades [alam maut]. Tubuh orang yang percaya kepada Tuhan akan dibangkitkan oleh Yesus, jika orang ini mempunyai meterai darah Kristus. Semua manusia bebal tidak akan dibangkitkan, sebaliknya mereka akan menerima hukuman kekal.
Masih tergantung di kayu salib, Yesus berkata :” Sudah selesai.” Ia menundukkan kepala-Nya, kemudian menyerahkan nyawa-Nya. Apa maksud ucapan-Nya :”Sudah selesai”? Yesus telah menyelesaikan tugas yang telah dibebankan oleh Bapa ke pundak-Nya melalui status-Nya sebagai keturunan Ishak untuk menyelamatkan manusia dari budak dosa. Untuk sesaat, Dia memang direndahkan ketika masih tergantung di kayu salib dengan darah bercucuran, tetapi kemudian Dia sangat dimuliakan karena kebangkitan-Nya. Kebangkitan-Nya adalah kepastian keselamatan yang dijanjikan oleh-Nya, karena tanpa melalui Dia tidak seorang pun dapat datang kepada Bapa. HBP.
A Right Royal Victoria Sponge Cake
For me, there is no sight (or taste) that is more comforting with a good strong cup of tea than a generous wedge of this eggy, sweet and jammy sponge cake.
Said to be named after Queen Victoria in the nineteenth century because she was partial to a slice of it with her afternoon tea, the Victoria sponge has subsequently become a symbol of 'Britishness'. Afternoon tea, parties, special occasions or just something to bake when it's raining you can't go far wrong with it.
There were no street parties near us for the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Catherine Middleton and so I decided to mark the occasion by forcing the children to watch it all on TV (for historic prosperity, whilst boring them all with the tale of when I met Kate Middleton's mum) ... and bake this cake.
I have no idea where I got this recipe - it is scrawled in one of my notebooks from years ago - but I've relied on it over and over again and it's my favourite. It contains four eggs, resulting in a rich, yellow-coloured cake and makes use of both jam and buttercream icing. I understand that the cake Queen Victoria used to enjoy was sandwiched only with jam - the buttercream was a later, twentieth-century addition.
So here it is - a right royal Victoria Sponge. And what better way to celebrate the royal wedding - and all that celeb-spotting - than with a fat wedge of this and a good cup of tea. Preferably served by one's Butler.
The Victoria Sponge was named after Queen Victoria, who was fond of a slice with her afternoon tea. Photo: Wikimedia Commons |
Victoria Sponge Recipe
- 220g butter
- 220g caster sugar
- 4 medium eggs
- 220g self raising flour
- about a tablespoon of milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- around 6 tablespoons jam of your choice (raspberry, strawberry and blackcurrant all work well)
- Buttercream icing (100g soft unsalted butter beaten with 140g icing sugar)
- Preheat the oven to 180C and grease and line a 23cm round cake tin. In a large bowl, mix the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy.
- Add each egg separately, along with a tablespoon of the flour. Add the rest of the flour, along with the vanilla extract. If the mixture seems too thick after all the eggs have been added, dribble about a tablespoon of milk to make a "dropping" consistency.
- Pour into the prepared cake tin and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean and the top is golden. If the top of the cake is browning a bit too much before the cake is ready, cover with baking foil and return to the oven. Check on it every 10-20 minutes until done.
- When the cake is completely cooled (very important!) cut it in half, making two discs. On one disc, spread over the buttercream icing and then the jam. Carefully sandwich the discs together and then sprinkle some icing sugar over the top of the cake just before serving. Don't worry if the icing 'oozes' slightly onto the outsides of the cake - this just adds to the effect! Cut and hand around with Union Jack emblazoned napkins.
biar gambar yang cerita
tak mau tulis panjang arini..
so biar dak kecik kat bawah ni jadi wakil aku cakap..
da boleh start..
ce cakap... ce ca..kaapp...hehe..
dik: "dedicated to all.... the only way to have friends is to be one"...
aku sambung skit: is to be one among them...
dik: akk.... men jauh2.. turn adik yang cite r
aku: okei2.. sambung la sambung...
"the human heart is like a ship on a stormy sea driven about by wind, blowing from all corner of place..."
"the best and the most beautiful things in the wold cannot be seen ever be touched.. they must be felt with the heart.."
aku: hehe...thank k comei. ni upah air aku bagi.
minum pelan-pelan.. :)
Belleau Kitchen's Random Recipe Challenge - Creamed Cabbage with Bacon
I was reading the Please Do Not Feed the Animals brilliant food blog when I came across her blog post for the Random Recipe Challenge hosted by Dom from Belleau Kitchen. The idea is genius - and very simple. You take a random recipe from a random cookbook and make it. The challenge is desgned to take you out of your cooking comfort zone, and it does just that. I will warn you though, the temptation to cheat is incredible. But to quote the oft-used phrase, with a meaningful look and tilt of the head, "you're only cheating yourself". So go along and join in, if I hadn't I certainly would never have cooked this.
For this random recipe challenge we had to dust off our oldest cook book - mine being New British Classics by Gary Rhodes (1989). I closed my eyes, flicked through the battered pages, opened the book and dotted my finger at the so far unknown mystery page. I excitedly opened my eyes, imagining some intricate dessert or rich roast dinner. Cabbage. The recipe didn't even have a photo for encouragement. Pushing away the temptation to start again, I raided the fridge and put on the pan before I could talk myself into cheating and trying again.
The Creamed Cabbage with Bacon recipe (on page 104 of the book) consists of finely slicing a leafy green savoy cabbage and an onion and cooking it with chopped streaky bacon, butter and cream. It was gorgeous - the cream thickening and clinging to the tender slices of cabbage. The children loved it, and so did we. The cream also mingled about the pan towards the end of cooking and picked up all the smokey bacon flavours. And don't worry about the onion - it turns sweet on cooking, soft and tender, finely sliced like the cabbage.
I reckon this would go so well with some slices of boiled ham or gammon and plainly-boiled new potatoes on the side.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Mint Lemonade and Facebook Blog - plz Like me ;-)
I finally managed (or so I think) to upload my blog to Facebook. I am very new to Facebook, so it was a huge achievement for me. But nobody knows about it :-(.
So, in the style of the Cardigans “I cry and I beg for you to Like me, Like me, say that you Like me” … :-) on Facebook or Networked Blogs (Cook Book of Trial and Error) or invite me to be your friend (Cooking Rookie).
And now it’s time to celebrate with a refreshing Lemonade! Source Improvised
Taste 5 (out of 5)
Difficulty 2 (out of 5)
For mint lemon water
- 1 small bunch of fresh mint
- zest of 2 lemons
- 2 liters / 1/2 gallon water
For individual lemonade
- juice of 1 lemon (25 cal)
- 1 tbsp sugar (45 cal)
Total 60 cal/serving
For mint lemon water
1. Wash the mint and the 2 lemons well. Using a peeler remove zest from the lemons. Boil 2 liters / 1/2 gallon of water and pour over the mint and the lemon zest. Let steep for several hours or overnight until it reaches room temperature.
2. When completely cool, pour the mint lemon water into a large jar through a sieve lined with a thick paper towel. Discard the mint and the lemon zest. Keep the mint lemon water in the fridge until needed for lemonade.
For individual lemonade
3. Juice 1 lemon, add 1 tbsp of sugar and 3/4 cup of chilled mint lemon water and blend well. Adjust sugar to taste. Decorate with fresh mint leaves and serve with ice cubes.
- This is my favorite lemonade. Mint goes amazingly well with the lemons and makes a wonderful refreshing drink for the summer.
- And it’s only 60 calories per serving – I thought it was 5 times more :-).
Pernikahan Kerajaan : William - Kate
Berturut-turut empat berita menghiasi peristiwa di dalam negeri Indonesia, Rosihan Anwar, wartawan senior Indonesia tiga jaman dan Franki Sahilatua, penyanyi pop balada kelahiran Surabaya telah meninggal dunia pada bulan ini; dua puluh awak kapal MV Sinar Kudus milik perusahaan PT Samudera Indonesia masih ditahan oleh para perompak Somalia; pada tanggal 26 April 2011 Presiden SBY telah melamar puteri Hatta Rajasa, Menteri Koordinator Ekonomi, untuk puteranya Ibas; tetapi satu berita Internasional yang satu ini yang paling spektakuler disorot di seluruh dunia, yaitu pada tanggal 29 April 2011 William, anak tertua dari Pangeran Charles dan almarhum Lady Diana, kakak Pengeran Harry, telah menikahi Catherine Middleton.
Pernikahan dilaksanakan di Gereja Westminster Abbey dipimpin oleh Uskup Rowan Williams dari Gereja Anglican Inggris. tepat pukul 17:30 waktu Indonesia bagian barat atau kira-kira pukul 11:30 waktu London William dan Kate saling mengucapkan janji setia pernikahan mereka. Di Gereja Kathedral St. Paul di London, 30 tahun yang lalu orang tua William, Pangeran Charles dan almarhum Lady Diana mengucapkan janji setia pernikahan mereka, tetapi pasangan Charles dan Diana bercerai 15 tahun kemudian.
Lady Diana adalah bekas guru sekolah taman kanak-kanak sebelum menikah dengan Charles, tetapi berasal dari kalangan bangsawan; sedangkan Kate adalah rakyat biasa, sarjana dari St. Andrew University, Scotlandia dan teman kuliah Will di universitas yang sama. Diana dan Charles lebih banyak masa dipingit sebelum mereka menikah, sebaliknya Will dan Kate telah berpacaran bahkan lehi dari itu, yaitu hidup bersama selama 6 tahun. Pesta pernikahan diselenggarakan di Istana Buckingham, selain acara pesta para orang tua, yaitu dansa di ball room, juga digelar pesta untuk orang yang berjiwa muda, yaitu disko, lengkap dengan disk jockey. Staff istana hanya dapat geleng-geleng kepala. Awal dari selamat tinggal konservative. HBP.
Lady Diana adalah bekas guru sekolah taman kanak-kanak sebelum menikah dengan Charles, tetapi berasal dari kalangan bangsawan; sedangkan Kate adalah rakyat biasa, sarjana dari St. Andrew University, Scotlandia dan teman kuliah Will di universitas yang sama. Diana dan Charles lebih banyak masa dipingit sebelum mereka menikah, sebaliknya Will dan Kate telah berpacaran bahkan lehi dari itu, yaitu hidup bersama selama 6 tahun. Pesta pernikahan diselenggarakan di Istana Buckingham, selain acara pesta para orang tua, yaitu dansa di ball room, juga digelar pesta untuk orang yang berjiwa muda, yaitu disko, lengkap dengan disk jockey. Staff istana hanya dapat geleng-geleng kepala. Awal dari selamat tinggal konservative. HBP.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Discounted Buffet in Hong Kong
Hong Kong restaurants are making excuses to offer discounts, such as early departure discount. I like the idea as I don't mind to go early if I pay less.
Over the Easter Monday, I went on a buffet which usually offers 25% discount before 12:50pm but I ended up had to pay regular price, becasue discounts won't apply on holidays.
Back to the buffet itself, many are attracted by big dishes of shushi, sashimi and the rows of salads and hot dishes. But I always pay attention to minatures. Not only because of the lovely cute utensils, but the little small size portion of food won't fill up my stomach quickly and I can enjoy plenty of these small dishes. Let me introduce a few of them.
What are there in these two 1" pans? On the left is Japanese Egg Tofu. Thought it has been deep fried and seasoned with some Japanese dry fishes and sauces. The other one is half an egg white plus some raisins and a small slice of salmon. Very healthy and delicious.
Here are my collection of dessert minaturesOver the Easter Monday, I went on a buffet which usually offers 25% discount before 12:50pm but I ended up had to pay regular price, becasue discounts won't apply on holidays.
Back to the buffet itself, many are attracted by big dishes of shushi, sashimi and the rows of salads and hot dishes. But I always pay attention to minatures. Not only because of the lovely cute utensils, but the little small size portion of food won't fill up my stomach quickly and I can enjoy plenty of these small dishes. Let me introduce a few of them.
What are there in these two 1" pans? On the left is Japanese Egg Tofu. Thought it has been deep fried and seasoned with some Japanese dry fishes and sauces. The other one is half an egg white plus some raisins and a small slice of salmon. Very healthy and delicious.
All 1 - 1.5" in diameter
Steam Egg (hot)
Caramel Egg Custard
Pomegranate Moussee with Cream Topping
Serradura (Macau/Portuguese dessert)
Pomelo in Mango Juice
Another 1.5" Serradura
Here is my 1.5" Hamburger. I'm the only guest who can enjoy this, because I made it myself. I'm a person who like to tailor something with ingredients from the buffet table. If they serve sausage, I'll make a hot dog. If they serve sliced bread with an oven, I'll make a club sandwitch. Today I collect a very thin slice of roast beef and made this mini hamburger. Isn't it cute?
Metropark Hotel Wanchai Hongkong
Address: 41-49 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2861 1166
Lunch buffet everyday from 11.45am to 2.30pm
HK$128 (US$16.4)/Adult + 10% service fee
25% early departure discount (before 12:50pm)
10% for one day advance booking
** No discount on Saturday, Sunday and holidays**
Hong Kong Food Blog - Discounted Buffet
Discounted Buffet in Hong Kong
Hong Kong restaurants are making excuses to offer discounts, such as early departure discount. I like the idea as I don't mind to go early if I pay less.
Over the Easter Monday, I went on a buffet which usually offers 25% discount before 12:50pm but I ended up had to pay regular price, becasue discounts won't apply on holidays.
Back to the buffet itself, many are attracted by big dishes of shushi, sashimi and the rows of salads and hot dishes. But I always pay attention to minatures. Not only because of the lovely cute utensils, but the little small size portion of food won't fill up my stomach quickly and I can enjoy plenty of these small dishes. Let me introduce a few of them.
What are there in these two 1" pans? On the left is Japanese Egg Tofu. Thought it has been deep fried and seasoned with some Japanese dry fishes and sauces. The other one is half an egg white plus some raisins and a small slice of salmon. Very healthy and delicious.
Here are my collection of dessert minaturesOver the Easter Monday, I went on a buffet which usually offers 25% discount before 12:50pm but I ended up had to pay regular price, becasue discounts won't apply on holidays.
Back to the buffet itself, many are attracted by big dishes of shushi, sashimi and the rows of salads and hot dishes. But I always pay attention to minatures. Not only because of the lovely cute utensils, but the little small size portion of food won't fill up my stomach quickly and I can enjoy plenty of these small dishes. Let me introduce a few of them.
What are there in these two 1" pans? On the left is Japanese Egg Tofu. Thought it has been deep fried and seasoned with some Japanese dry fishes and sauces. The other one is half an egg white plus some raisins and a small slice of salmon. Very healthy and delicious.
All 1 - 1.5" in diameter
Steam Egg (hot)
Caramel Egg Custard
Pomegranate Moussee with Cream Topping
Serradura (Macau/Portuguese dessert)
Pomelo in Mango Juice
Another 1.5" Serradura
Here is my 1.5" Hamburger. I'm the only guest who can enjoy this, because I made it myself. I'm a person who like to tailor something with ingredients from the buffet table. If they serve sausage, I'll make a hot dog. If they serve sliced bread with an oven, I'll make a club sandwitch. Today I collect a very thin slice of roast beef and made this mini hamburger. Isn't it cute?
Metropark Hotel Wanchai Hongkong
Address: 41-49 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2861 1166
Lunch buffet everyday from 11.45am to 2.30pm
HK$128 (US$16.4)/Adult + 10% service fee
25% early departure discount (before 12:50pm)
10% for one day advance booking
** No discount on Saturday, Sunday and holidays**
Hong Kong Food Blog - Discounted Buffet
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