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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Banjir Inspirasi di Shanghai Expo 2010

Inspiring. Mungkin itu satu kata yang tepat untuk merangkum bagaimana isi Shanghai Expo 2010. Perhelatan akbar lima tahunan ini seperti taman bermain raksasa yang berisi wahana-wahana negara dunia. Interaktif, informatif, menarik, sekaligus memberi kesan mendalam bagi para pengunjungnya.

Tahun ini, World Expo bertempat di Huang Pu River, Shanghai, Cina, selama bulan May – Oktober 2010. Expo yang mengambil tema “Better City, Better Life” ini tak hanya menjadi ajang pameran perwujudan kreativitas dan inovasi negara-negara di seluruh dunia, namun juga sebuah acara yang mengkolaborasikan ide-ide untuk menciptakan kota dan kehidupan yang lebih baik.

Dengan membayar tiket masuk sebesar RMB 160 (+ 210 rb), kita dapat menyaksikan tak kurang dari hampir 200 negara memiliki paviliun sendiri dengan kekhasannya masing-masing. Jangan bayangkan stan-stan kecil seadanya, karena paviliun yang dimaksud ini bangunan-bangunan permanen 2-4 lantai yang mengundak decak kagum baik dari segi desain, konten, maupun teknologi yang digunakan.

Paviliun Inggris berjudul seed cathedral adalah paviliun yang paling mencuri perhatian, terdiri dari ribuan tentakel mini yang disusun seperti bendera negaranya. Paviliun Israel yang menyerupai kerang transparan. Paviliun Spanyol seperti keranjang anyaman raksasa. Sedangkan paviliun Cina, tuan rumah, super raksasa dan serba merah di tengah-tengah area ekspo. Paviliun Jepang dilapisi membran ungu dengan teknologi tinggi.

paviliun Estonia, Inggris, Irlandia

paviliun India, Spanyol, Cina

paviliun Swedia, Israel, Norwegia

Tak hanya terpuaskan oleh keindahan ariskteturnya, paviliun ini juga sarat teknologi tinggi. Di dalamnya, tiap negara menampilkan kekhasan negaranya masing-masing. Ada yang menonjolkan pariwisata, budaya tradisional, bisnis, sampai teknologi dan inovasi paling mutakhir. Untuk masuk ke paviliun-paviliun yang besar, antriannya bisa sampai berjam-jam.
Bagaimana dengan Paviliun Indonesia? Secara tampak luar, menurut saya sih tidak spesial. Ukurannya besar dan terbuat dari bambu, tapi tidak terlalu catchy. Dengan tema “biodiverse city”, paviliun Indonesia banyak menampilkan display tentang kekayaan alam dan lingkungan. Mulai dari informasi tentang jumlah spesies dan kekayaan laut yang kita miliki sampai kekayaan kebudayaan tradisional. Menurut saya, isi nya sendiri agak kontradiktif. Penyampaian tentang kekayaan alam dan lingkungan Indonesia cukup mengena, tapi kemajuan pembangunan Indonesia kurang ditonjolkan seperti negara yang berkembang dan kondusif bagi para investor. Informasi tentang pariwisata pun minim. Ada juga stan makanan Indonesia yang rasanya standar dan harganya mahal.

Paviliun Indonesia di Shanghai Expo 2010

Perwujudan tema besar Shanghai Expo “Better City, Better Life” memang tidak main-main. Berbagai paviliun tema juga dengan tema : tentang perkembangan kota, kependudukan, planet dan lingkungan, transportasi, dan kota masa depan. Tiap paviliun tema ini benar-benar spesial karena punya narasi tersendiri, dan disajikan dengan efek audivisual mutakhir. Rasanya seperti masuk ke museum super canggih yang memadukan berbagai teknologi dan display interaktif.
Ada pula kawasan urban best practice area yang menampilkan studi kasus contoh kota-kota di dunia yang dinilai berhasil melakukan pembangunan berkelanjutan dari berbagai negara. Dari sini diharapkan dapat menjadi media berbagi informasi tentang mencari solusi mengatasi masalah kependudukan yang muncul.

display super canggih yang edukatif di Theme Pavilion

Berbagai forum, talkshow, seminar, diskusi, dan simposium juga berlangsung selama Shanghai Expo. Yang mengisi adalah expert dari seluruh dunia, baik orang akademisi, pemerintah, maupun swasta. Tema besarnya, lagi-lagi seputar pembangunan kota yang berkelanjutan.
Di luar itu, pengunjung juga dimanjakan dengan berbagai panggung pertunjukan seni budaya dari berbagai negara dan juga karnaval yang rutin diadakan. Saat malam pun, kota Shanghai didandani dengan permainan lampu LED yang mewarnai bangunan-bangunan dan jembatan. Sungguh cantik!

Dengan ratusan ribu pengunjung yang datang setiap harinya, infrastruktur yang dibangun juga sangat memadai. Di semua penjuru area, disediakan fasilitas publik seperti stan informasi, toilet, tempat meneduh, dan keran air minum. Volunteer yang bisa berbahasa Inggris juga ditempatkan dimana-mana. Ratusan tempat makan juga tersebar di segala titik, mulai dari fastfood yang murah meriah sampai restoran-restoran mewah yang menyajikan makanan dari segala negara. World Expo yang memiliki luas area 528 hektar ini bahkan memiliki kereta dan shuttle bus dan kereta gratis di dalamnya untuk pengunjung berkeliling.

Yang jelas, Shanghai Expo seperti perwujudan dari ide-ide dan kreativitas paling mutakhir sedunia. Tidak hanya dimanjakan mata dengan keunikan arsitektur dan dibuat kagum oleh kecanggihan teknologi, tapi juga membuka wawasan dan membanjiri benak pengunjungnya dengan inspirasi yang tak terhingga.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Penang Bistro

Central Park Lt. 2 - Jakarta Barat

Pertama kali makan ini pas reuni ama temen2 kuliah sekitar 6 tahun yang lalu. Dulu dia baru buka di daerah kebon sirih deket2 jalan jaksa sono. First impression dulu sih interiornya bagus, modern minimalist gitu, tapi makanan biasa aja dan...mahal. Sekarang cabangnya udah mayan banyak, salah satunya di CP ini.

Bulan lalu mitoha dapet voucher makan di sini dari c4 waktu belanja di CP. Mayan, seratus ribu. Sebenernya males sih makan di sini, tapi daripada voucher dibuang percuma ya pergi aja deh nyobain katanya. Kesan kedua gua, interiornya tetep bagus, tapi yang di CP ini lebih bagus. Gua suka banget interiornya, lagian kita bisa liat suasana kota jakarta waktu malam kalo dinner di sini, menghadapnya ke Jl. S. Parman. Terus setelah nyobain makanannya, kok jadi enak ya? Apa gara2 dibayarin makanya enak? Wkwkwkwk. Serius, enak.

Kemaren pesen gak terlalu banyak. Bingung juga mau pesen makan meja apa makan perorangan. Jadi di-mixed aja, sebagian pesen makan meja sebagian perorangan. Ada roti cane, laksa penang, ikan patin tim, dll. Aneh yah pesen ikan patin tim di resto penang? Gara2 lagi promo sih, ikan patin tim 1 ekor cuman Rp. 75.000,-. Mayan. Hehehe.

Nah yang pengen gua sorotin tuh penang laksanya. Baru2 ini gua baru pulang dari Penang. Sempet ngerasain laksa penang asli di sana. Yang di Penang Bistro boleh lah. OK juga kok, mirip rasanya. Bagi yang belum tau, laksa penang ama laksa singapur beda. Kalo laksa penang pake asam jawa ama suwir2an ikan kembung. Jadi gak pake santen. Kalo laksa singapur orang penang nyebutnya curry mee. Dua foto di atas, yang atas penang laksa Penang Bistro, yang bawah penang laksa asli di sana. Mirip? Hihihi.

Kesan yang tetep gak berubah dari Penang Bistro yaitu....mahal !!! Hahaha...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Discover the Freedom Trail in Boston

The Freedom Trail is a red path through downtown Boston, Massachusetts that leads to 16 significant historic sites. Walking the Freedom Trail in Boston is literally like stepping back into history. Dating back to a century before America's War for Independence a strong heritage and culture of freedom was entwined amongst Bostonian colonial settlements. So, along the trail, tourists can see individual collections of museums, meeting houses, churches, graveyards, parks, a ship and historical signs that tell a true tale about the American Revolution and beyond.

The Boston Freedom Trail begins at Boston Common and moves on to the New State House where, when completed in 1795 became the political center of Boston. Here there is an option for a free one hour tour. The next point of interest is the Park Street Church where William Lloyd Garrison gave the first inspiring anti-slavery speech. The Boston Freedom Trail moves on to where Samuel Adams and Paul Revere are buried at the Granary Burying Ground, and further on to the King's Chapel Burying Ground and the Ben Franklin statue which is also the site of the first public school in the area. From here the Boston Freedom Trail takes visitors to the Old Corner Bookstore where legends like Thoreau and Emerson gathered, and then on to the Old South Meeting House.

The Freedom Trail Boston also includes such sites as Faneuil Hall, the Old State House and the site of the Boston Massacre where a simple cobblestone circle marks the area where 5 colonists were murdered by British soldiers in 1770. Paul Revere House owned by Revere from 1770-1800, can also be found along the Freedom Trail Boston and is one of the favorites among visitors. Tours of the inside are available. When walking along the Freedom Trail Boston history seems to come alive again and visitors draw a unique perspective from seeing all the monuments and historical houses with their own eyes.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mid Autumn Festival Dinner

Lunch date: September 22, 2010
Occasion: Mid Autumn Festival Dinner

Number of people: Four
Cost: HK$680(US$87.1), inclusive of 10% service charge

Restaurant name: Shanghai Xiao Nan Guo
Restaurant address: 12/F Time Square, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Restaurant telephone: 852-2874-8899

It was Mid Autumn Festival yesterday, we tried to book a table for a family dinner. In Hong Kong, the day of Mid Autumn Festival is a working day, but the day after is a public holiday. Reason being the moon is being admired at night, so people can still work during the day. But a holiday is granted on the next day due to late night sleep.

Because it was a festival day, the restaurant only allowed us to book either 6pm or 8pm just to maximise their business. However the restaurant owner might have over estimated his business. We were there at 6.30pm and was requested to leave before 8pm. However we saw some tables were vacant until we left. The food was served speedily. Well, that's the way they made us to leave on time. Here are our favourites.

Cold Cut - Sliced Chicken with Jelly Noodle
we had to stir up the dish with the sesame sauce
雞絲粉皮 (HK$58)
Sliced Chicken with Jelly Noodle (before stirring)

Noodle with Green Onion 蔥油辦面
My Number One Favourite
Deep Fried Mini Yellow Fish
小黃魚 (HK$28@)
Very crispy and very yummy!!!
This is in fact a signature dish of Xiao Nan Guo

Stewed Pork's Knuckle
Another signature dish and our favourite
元蹄 (HK$188)

Soup: Salty Pork with Bean Curd Sheets 奄篤鮮 (HK$118)
They didn't present the soup -
only served a mini bowl for each of us - hence no photo

Hong Kong Food Blog - Mid Autumn Festival Dinner

Mid Autumn Festival Dinner

Lunch date: September 22, 2010
Occasion: Mid Autumn Festival Dinner

Number of people: Four
Cost: HK$680(US$87.1), inclusive of 10% service charge

Restaurant name: Shanghai Xiao Nan Guo
Restaurant address: 12/F Time Square, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Restaurant telephone: 852-2874-8899

It was Mid Autumn Festival yesterday, we tried to book a table for a family dinner. In Hong Kong, the day of Mid Autumn Festival is a working day, but the day after is a public holiday. Reason being the moon is being admired at night, so people can still work during the day. But a holiday is granted on the next day due to late night sleep.

Because it was a festival day, the restaurant only allowed us to book either 6pm or 8pm just to maximise their business. However the restaurant owner might have over estimated his business. We were there at 6.30pm and was requested to leave before 8pm. However we saw some tables were vacant until we left. The food was served speedily. Well, that's the way they made us to leave on time. Here are our favourites.

Cold Cut - Sliced Chicken with Jelly Noodle
we had to stir up the dish with the sesame sauce
雞絲粉皮 (HK$58)
Sliced Chicken with Jelly Noodle (before stirring)

Noodle with Green Onion 蔥油辦面
My Number One Favourite
Deep Fried Mini Yellow Fish
小黃魚 (HK$28@)
Very crispy and very yummy!!!
This is in fact a signature dish of Xiao Nan Guo

Stewed Pork's Knuckle
Another signature dish and our favourite
元蹄 (HK$188)

Soup: Salty Pork with Bean Curd Sheets 奄篤鮮 (HK$118)
They didn't present the soup -
only served a mini bowl for each of us - hence no photo

Hong Kong Food Blog - Mid Autumn Festival Dinner

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

can jam september round up: stone fruit

photo rufus & clementine

i really just have to do this...just so you know.

as i've been sitting at my computer reading and rounding-up throughout the week i have been singing this pretty much non-stop.

i mean all these sweet and juicy peaches and nectarines!

can you blame me?

and it's not like i'd kick any plump little plums out of my kitchen either.

photo café del manolo

know what i'm sayin'?

(apparently a lot of you do)


photo cafe libby

jams, jellies & conserves

imperial stone fruit preserves - put a lid on it
and if that wasn't exotic enough for you there's this too and scones! i love a good scone recipe, you know i do!

local peach loco jam - backyard farms
i love that it's all local! maple syrup, peaches,! (ever think about growing your own citrus?) :)

nectarine jam - what julia ate
a straight up nectarine jam with a spot of pectin for good measure. i do agree, nectarines have there own special charm.

nectarine pear & chile jam - local kitchen
this is torture. (meaning i need some, now!)

peach blackberry jam - wine book girl
i find mixed fruit jam very intriguing. do the individual fruit tastes remain as they do in a mixed fruit pie?

peach & blueberry ginger jam - show food chef
show me the food! i am not kidding. my mouth just watered at your first photo. that jam, that biscuit!

peach-plum ginger jam - food in jars
the ginger juice addition sounds lovely. and i hear you on the summer canning urgency. it's suppose to be s-l-o-w food! ;)

peach or apricot jam - family & food
i think there is nothing smarter than jamming something you know you & your family like. a basic fruit jam recipe that's tried and true i say!

peach preserves - market life sf
another sound recipe for simple and beautiful peach preserves (you don't really need to do much to them, do you?) ...and she did this too, which looks to me like it really was worth the work!

peach preserves with brown sugar and spiced rum - cafe libby
if this sounds good to you - hurry on over to libby's blog - 'cause she's giving away a jar! but you better do it by oct 1st!

photo backyard farms

peach vanilla marmalade - flamingo musings
i don't know...are mangoes stone fruits? (well in the end, it looks like you didn't miss them!)

perfectly simple peach preserves
- married with dinner
never even thought of leaving the skins on. good to know! june tayler's jams are amazing, and i trust that this one is too!

plum conserve - toronto tasting notes
a true conserve! this looks awesome sarah. and as fine a christmas present as i could ever imagine!

plum jam with almond - mock paper scissors
this jam does sound lovely. and so is that story about madame, and her plum cake must be delicious!

plum jam with bay and vanilla - café del manolo
plum & bay, a nice combo if i do say so myself. but homemade vanilla! you just knocked it outta the park in my book! (and i LOVE the the flavor bible)

plum jam with tonka bean - prospect: the pantry
i am completely intrigued. i have never heard of tonka beans, but the way you describe their flavor makes me want to find a source, pronto! and peeps, you gotta check out this too!

plum noir jam - tigress in a jam was a dark and windy jam. and oh, so good! it's the fennel peeps! (ok, and the bay, and the black pepper, and the cardamom...don't forget the cardamom!)

spiced peach jam - notes from a country girl living in the city
peaches and spice and everything nice, that's what this jam is made of.

strawberry mango jam - simply loving home
this looks so beautiful in those jars. a winner indeed...your family knows what's up!

sugar plum crumble preserves & honey pie conserve - hip girl's guide to homemaking
i would eat plums here, i would eat plum there, i would eat plums anywhere. and i would most definitely eat them in these two lovely preserves!

photo local kitchen


peach chutney - doris and jilly cook
goat, i am so happy you revealed the dark side of canning. we really need to consider humanely treating are jarred fruit! ...particularly when they look this delicious!

peach chutney - sugarcrafter
and peach pie filling, plums in syrup and plum butter. you people are not only putting up, you are putting me to shame!

plum chutney - my caffiene diary
yes those look like romas to me. (i have a roma tree but it doesn't produce anymore). ok, so about those hard skins, cook the plums until the skins soften (10 min. or so) and then add the sugar. it helps immensely.

photo prospect: the pantry

sauces & salsas

garlic plum sauce - locally preserved
this looks very versatile indeed. and trust me i feel for you northwesterners and your lack of summer. that was us here in the northeast last year. sunny times will come again!

peach barbecue sauce - the kitchenette
...and to think, we all knew you before you heard your first lid pop. and now you're giving us this!

roasted hatch peach salsa - stetted
you had me at the roasted peach...of course the balsamic, cilantro and hatch peppers didn't hurt. bring on the chips!

spicy peach salsa - grow & resist
i love when can jammers are inspiring other can jammers! (and great tip about the freezing whole peaches - thanks!)

zesty peach barbecue sauce - just the right size
do you think it would be good on tofu?

photo sustainable pantry

fruit in syrup

blackberries in syrup - bigger than a breadbox
blackberries are stonefruits? v-e-r-y interesting. look, the real point is; you got your can in the kitchen and canned! bravo! :)

canned peaches - putting by
she's right when she tells you: get those air bubbles out and get some more syrup in there!

canned peaches - knit and knosh
another basic canned peach recipe - but you have to look up the recipe yourself in the good 'ole ball blue.

canned peaches in light syrup - oh, briggsy...
first off let me say that i happen to get really excited about winter squash, but anywayz...a solid canned peach recipe here and some apricot jam too!

gently gingered peaches - rufus & clementine
not that i'm scolding. but it's a really good idea to read the whole recipe before you get started...or eat the whole peach, and just forettaboutit! ;)

honey peaches with mint - mother's kitchen
ha! very funny story (of course after knowing you didn't get stung). love the idea of mint - must add just the right note to those sweet peaches.

l'shana tova vanilla peaches - sutainable pantry
how sweet it is! ...these look divine. (and i am so happy you made it through the tornado unscathed!)

poached peaches - all types of cooking and a whole lot of canning here!
i am absolutely sure this is a crowd pleaser (especially this crowd) peaches poached with booze. ahem.

plum & blueberry compote in calvados syrup - laundry, etc.
sounds like you live in plum heaven! this compote looks glorious! and those jars, gloria oh, those jars!

preserved peach slices with maderia - well preserved
ok. it's not really syrup. but still, i think it belongs here [in this cataegory]. and i think that i need to make these next season. for shizzle!

photo the cosmic cowgirl


georgia pickled ginger peaches - bread making with the bread experience
you day georgia, she says texas. it's all just peachy to me! especially pickled!
(i think you and yours are going to love these!)

pickled peaches - thinking out loud
wow! it was a preservin' hoe-down at your house this month! and cinnamon & cloves sound like a lovely pairing with peaches - only maybe just a little lighter on the cloves, no?

texas peach pickles - the cosmic cowgirl
i promised myself i wouldn't start saying this, but: yum! yum and yum, yummers! (ok, no more, i promise). and a very BIG congrats on confituras - i knew it would be a grand success!

spicy bourbon white peach pickles - leena eats this blog
no one can say this girl doesn't know how to treat a peach!

can you believe it's almost october? i can't. we've been canning together for almost a full year! all of us on all these blogs and a lot of people at home!

there's a bunch of great photos up on tigress' can jam group on flickr which you should definitely check out and please note this exciting update: i've just opened up this flickr group to everyone. that means you! so please, calling all canners, show us what ya got!

kaela from local kitchen is our chooser for october and she has until this friday at midnight to tell you all about it. (i am very excited about this one!) can jammers, you must post your recipes between sunday october 17th and friday october 22nd for inclusion in the round-up.

now go out and rake some leaves or something! (and put 'em in your garden while you're at it, they're good for it!)


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Moon Cake and Partner Fruits

Tomorrow is Mid Autumn Festival (September 22, 2010) - August 15 in Chinese calendar.

Moon cakes are my favourites. Though cake makers in Hong Kong are very innovative, making all kinds of fruit, ice cream ... moon cakes, but what I really love are the traditional ones - lotus seed paste with egg yolks.

We usually eat fruits along with moon cakes as fruits are delicious and healthy. There are fruits which are exceptional tasteful around Mid Autumn Festival and they are pomelo, star fruit and grapes. Seedless green grapes are wonderful. In fact, not only me, most Hong Kong people eat these mid autumn fruits together with moon cakes.

I'm going to enjoy eating my juicy pomelo and moon cakes after writing this post. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

My Favourite Moon Cakes and Pomelo

My favourite moon cake fruit partners:
green grapes and star fruit

My green trio and moon cakes are perfect match!

When I was a kid, we made lanterns from the left-over pomelo peels. Well, many kids had this game for fun. Star fruit is also the shape of many lanterns even nowadays.

Hong Kong Food Blog - Moon Cakes and Fruits

Moon Cake and Partner Fruits

Tomorrow is Mid Autumn Festival (September 22, 2010) - August 15 in Chinese calendar.

Moon cakes are my favourites. Though cake makers in Hong Kong are very innovative, making all kinds of fruit, ice cream ... moon cakes, but what I really love are the traditional ones - lotus seed paste with egg yolks.

We usually eat fruits along with moon cakes as fruits are delicious and healthy. There are fruits which are exceptional tasteful around Mid Autumn Festival and they are pomelo, star fruit and grapes. Seedless green grapes are wonderful. In fact, not only me, most Hong Kong people eat these mid autumn fruits together with moon cakes.

I'm going to enjoy eating my juicy pomelo and moon cakes after writing this post. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

My Favourite Moon Cakes and Pomelo

My favourite moon cake fruit partners:
green grapes and star fruit

My green trio and moon cakes are perfect match!

When I was a kid, we made lanterns from the left-over pomelo peels. Well, many kids had this game for fun. Star fruit is also the shape of many lanterns even nowadays.

Hong Kong Food Blog - Moon Cakes and Fruits